C L I E N T  |  Pumphouse Coffee Roasters

A G E N C Y  |  Experimar

M Y  R O L E  |  Creative Direction, Lead Designer, Package Design

C L I E N T   B R I E F  |  Pumphouse Coffee Roasters needed a visual brand refresh to take their packaging design to the next level. The new design follows an art-direction that fosters an exquisite experience while keeping modern and hip to appeal to their clientele. This is achieved with a bolder color palette, quirky illustrations emphasizing the process of coffee roasting, and simple elements representing the Floridian roots of the company.

I improved the design of their original logo by tweaking the typography, imagery and wording. I developed an engaging brand color palette that features a secondary color palette to differentiate the types of coffee offered.  I created and conceptualized three coffee packaging labels that feature vital information about each blend along with background information about the company.

In addition to design, I provided creative direction and oversaw designs of other branded materials and created a brand book to pitch to the client.
